
Elizabeth Scott Book Giveaway!

July 8, 2009

CONTEST CLOSED. Winner will be announced sometime tomorrow (July21)

In anticipation of our upcoming interview with Elizabeth Scott, one of the most notable contemporary YA authors out there, we are hosting our first book giveaway.


Something Maybe:

Everyone thinks their parents are embarrassing, but Hannah knows she’s got them all beat. Her dad made a fortune showing pretty girls–and his “party” lifestyle–all over the Internet, and her mom, who was once one of her dad’s girlfriends, is now the star of her own website. After getting the wrong kind of attention for far too long, Hannah has learned how to stay out of sight…and that’s how she likes it.

Of course, being unknown isn’t helping her get noticed by gorgeous, confident Josh, who Hannah knows is her soul mate. Between trying to figure out a way to get him to notice her, dealing with her parents, and wondering why she can’t stop thinking about another guy, Finn, Hannah feels like she’s going crazy. She’s determined to make things work out the way she wants….only what she wants may not be what she needs.

Stealing Heaven:heaven

My name is Danielle. I’m eighteen. I’ve been stealing things for as long as I can remember.

Dani has been trained as a thief by the best–her mother. Together, they move from town to town, targeting wealthy homes and making a living by stealing antique silver. They never stay in one place long enough to make real connections, real friends–a real life

In the beach town of Heaven, though, everything changes. For the first time, Dani starts to feel at home. She’s making friends and has even met a guy. But these people can never know the real Dani–because of who she is. When it turns out that her new friend lives in the house they’ve targeted for their next job and the cute guy is a cop, Dani must question where her loyalties lie: with the life she’s always known–or the one she’s always wanted.



Lauren has a good life: decent grades, great friends, and a boyfriend every girl wants. So why is she so unhappy?

It takes the arrival of Evan Kirkland for Lauren to figure out the answer: she’s been holding back. She’s been denying herself a bunch of things (like sex) because staying with her loyal and gorgeous boyfriend, Dave, is the “right” thing to do. After all, who would give up the perfect guy?

But as Dave starts talking more and more about their life together, planning a future Lauren simply can’t see herself in– and as Lauren’s craving for Evan, and moreover, who she is with Evan becomes all the more fierce–Lauren realizes she needs to make a choice…before one is made for her.

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post, along with your name, and the winner chooses one of the above three. Her latest, Love You, Hate You, Miss You, is in stores now, and we will be giving away copies soon. Stay tuned. Contest closes July 19, 2009.

CONTEST CLOSED. Winner will be announced sometime tomorrow (July21)


  1. OMG, I would love to win Stealing Heaven! I have the other two.
    By the way, love the blog name.

  2. I’ve heard tons about all of these but have yet to read them. My dang library never has it! 😦

    I would most want to read Bloom though 🙂

  3. I would love to win any of the three–thank you so much!

  4. Count me in. I’ve been dying to read Bloom. ^^

    Blog name = win.

  5. I would love to win Bloom.

    ~ Lauren

  6. Stealing Heaven sounds like a great read.

  7. Ooh I would love to win Stealing Heaven. =]

  8. I’d like to win all of them 🙂

  9. Great contest! Enter me!

  10. I would love to win Something Maybe. I already read Bloom and Something maybe is the next on my author wishlist!!!


  11. Awesome contest!



  12. These books sound awesome! Especially Stealing Heaven!


  13. No doubt entering for Stealing Heaven! Sounds fantastic! XD

  14. I would love to win bloom….sounds like a great read.


    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  15. Giving away books! Sillies. You are supposed to keep them all for yourself and bury them somewhere where no one will be able to steal them!!!

  16. I’ve been wanting to read her books for a long time! I’d LOVE to read Something, Maybe 🙂

  17. Count me in! I love Elizabeth Scott’s books!


  18. i’d love stealing heaven


  19. Please enter me for Bloom! Thanks 🙂


  20. I’d love to win bloom or something maybe!! I love Elizabeth Scott!!! Thanks for holding this contest, I really, really hope I win:D

  21. I would love to read Something Maybe
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  22. I would love to read Stealing Heaven!

  23. I’d love to read Stealing Heaven.

  24. Ooh I love book giveaway!
    I really want to read Something Maybe

  25. Wow! This is a great contest. Thanks so much for having it. I have yet to read an Elizabeth Scott book but hear she is a great writer. Totally love the blog name, BTW. 😀


  26. What an awesome contest! I love Elizabeth Scott, but I haven’t read either Bloom or Stealing Heaven yet. I would love to be entered to win!


  27. Something, Maybe looks and sounds awesome! I sure hope I win it 🙂

  28. Ooh! I want to read all of these books!

    paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

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