Posts Tagged ‘Small Press’


Quake Press

July 16, 2009


Today, we’ll be looking at another small press- Quake, a company owned by Echelon Press, LLC. Quake publishes one full-length paperback title per month. According to their website, “We are seeking authors with strong character development, good plotting, and strong technical skills, with the ability to engage young readers on an emotional level. The willingness and ability to market and promote to a young audience is crucial in the publication process.” Quake is currently accepting submissions for children’s books (8-13) and Young Adult (14-21). The young adult genres Quake is currently looking for are fiction, adventure, spy, fantasy/horror, mystery/suspense/thriller, and romance. They will not only accept single title manuscripts (40,000-90,000 words) to be printed in both e-book format and print, but also publishes novellas (10,000-40,000) and short stories (2,500-10,000) in e-book format.

Quake will consider e-mail queries submitted to Should Quake request a full manuscript, their submission guidelines are listed at Quake is currently particularly interested in genres that target young male readers (ages: 12 – 18).

If you are interested in finding out more about Quake, you can check out their Children’s and Young Adult blog and their catalog of books at Quake says they are “shakin’ up young readers” and now is a great time for you to jump in at this growing press!
